Magazines, Journals & Newspapers

Welcome to your virtual library! If you need help, contact BPL at 479-271-6815 or

Facts on File - Login Required Offsite. Explore three subjects: Careers & Education, Language & Language Arts and Current Issues. Includes curriculum tools for educators.

HeritageQuest - Search censuses, genealogy and local history books, Periodical Source Index (PERSI), Revolutionary War records, Freedman's Bank Records and LexisNexis US Serial Set.*

Issues & Controversies - Login Required Offsite. In-depth investigations of today's top issues, this resource provides an Encyclopedia, Almanac and quick links to Research Topics. Plus, easy access to issues citing pros and cons. Includes curriculum tools for educators.

WorldCat (OCLC) - An international catalog of 212 million+ records for books and other materials in libraries. The bibliographic records are cataloged by OCLC member libraries worldwide, with over 400 languages represented.

Welcome to your virtual library of magazines, journals and newspapers! If you need help, contact BPL at 479-271-6815 or

Bentonville Library is grateful for the Arkansas State Library Traveler database project for providing valuable eLearning resources for all Arkansas residents, schools and public libraries.

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