Hand-picked by librarians, these web sites are certain to inform and assist.  In addition to our recommended links, we're providing you with easy access to commonly requested services.  These links may be just what you're looking for, but if you need more information, visit BPL's eLearning or Recommended Sites page.  

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact BPL's Reference Desk at 479-271-6815 or email library@bentonvillear.com.   

Arkansas Jobs | Basic Needs | Community Non-Profits | Government Info | Local History | NWA Attractions

 Arkansas Jobs

 Basic Needs & Help

 Community Non-Profits

 Government Info

 Local History

 NWA Attractions

About Recommended Sites

Our goal is to provide you with educational, entertaining and reliable information on the internet.  All web content should be viewed with a discerning eye for accuracy, authorship and currency.  Please note, by providing these web links for easy access, inclusion does not imply endorsement by Bentonville Library.

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